Sunday, September 16, 2007

I am still the truth. The facts argue I am not

This could have been the 350th post on this blog if I had not kept one still as a saved draft. But I suppose putting that here without showing the reason would make no sense. There is a chat showed to me by a friend, which he once had with a friend of his, that had prompted me to write it. He showed that chat to me probably to justify what he did; but I don't still understand him and his intentions.

I was with my parents for two days continuously - morning to evening. Yesterday in the evening we all sat at the dining table to have the 'iftaar' and I began to wonder when it was the last time there was such an occasion we four were dining together at home this way. Of course we sit together when there are guests at home, but everyday for dinner the time is spent in front of the television.

My chats with my friends have been revolving around only three things these days. The first thing: 'iftaar' parties. Second: about that chat and my unpublished post. Third: I can't write that here! I thought about that chat, that post and the implied facts and truths; everything I could: I did the things right, but I didn't do the right thing. She didn't do the things right, but she did the right thing. The wrong thing I did was taking a start. I can justify all I did after that. But I won't; I would look naive. What she did shouldn't be discussed. Because it was discussed in that unpublished post, it has remained unpublished. A girl's respect is more valuable. And I am not a girl.

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