Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

Sometime back I returned from CL and had my breakfast. Today and yesterday evening we were busy with Geometry. It was a bit difficult when compared to other topics like algebra and number systems. InshAllah I will manage.

Yesterday I woke up at 9 pm sharp. I couldn't believe I actually did it. The night before I had slept late as usual and as Saturday was a holiday I was thinking of having a good sleep. But even as I wanted to sleep more, I had that thing in my mind which said I have be awake and work a little. Alhamdulillah Allah helped me by not providing electricity to my house in the morning. I had no option but to move out of the bed.

Friday evening along with my parents and brother I went out for dinner. We had some plans of having dinner outside on 6th to celebrate my brother's birthday. Somehow we couldn't and so, it was Friday. We had it at Cinnamon.

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