Thursday, April 10, 2008

Chocolate Smiles

Like everybody who is not in love, he thought one chose the person to be loved after endless deliberations and on the basis of particular qualities or advantages.
-Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past: Cities of the Plain, 1922
If maturity is what that can put us on the right path, then I wonder why so many men and women spend their whole lives in foolishness and why they never achieve maturity even when they reach old age. If maturity is such an important thing - so necessary that a person has to wait for it tell he is on his own, till he can be called an adult or till he can get married and have a family of his own - why is only age a requirement to be declared as an adult?

I see human beings killing each other, cheating each other, committing sins as if it's their duty, waging wars and killing innocent children, having pride even when they walk on a land created by Allah and wear clothes given to them by Allah; I see men hating men. Are these people mature? Even if they are millionaires, have families of their own, running big businesses or designing war-strategies? Maturity at times seems a myth. It's in the best of our interests to do what Allah asks us and the way He wants us to do it. Allah's book defines everything for us. We don't need maturity to go to heaven.

Some times I get worried about how blessed I am and how easy and perfect things have been made for me. I can never thank Allah enough. I am worried that I will get all the bounties in this world and burn in the rest of eternity. I have always asked Him for peace in both the worlds. All the good I see here is the acceptance of my prayers. Allah Himself will decide where I be once I am dead.

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