Sunday, March 30, 2008

Only Chocolate

Men love because they are afraid of themselves, afraid of the loneliness that lives in them, and need someone in whom they can lose themselves as smoke loses itself in the sky.
-V.F. Calverton
I watched all the three movies of the 'Bourne' series again. I had been looking out for them and today we had a get-together at a cousin's place in the afternoon. We played all the three parts back to back with a break only for lunch. The plan was for yesterday itself but couldn't be completed for a reason still being discussed among us. I couldn't believe my parents let my brother too stay out even till late night.

Some days back I sat to think about the luxuries we have and how we treat them - we just ask for more. We are used to these enjoyable easy things that we just don't care about what others have to face. And when we have any difficulty in getting things this easy we quibble and get frustrated. I find it funny how quickly I get irritated when I don't find food of my choice in dinner or the clothes to my liking ready to be worn in the mornings. Or perhaps it's only me with such kind of character traits. I try hard not to have sympathy for myself.

It's always better to be in action than to see others controlling it. It hurts me to sit and relax when some of my friends are not comfortable with the future they might possibly be having. It's like watching a war going on in front of me with my own people fighting and I can't do anything for them. I just have to try to pray not knowing what exactly I should ask from Allah. I end up with asking Allah for their happiness but that doesn't satisfy me. If I could do something, something at least to make them feel better and stronger, say something that gives them happiness and lets them know that Allah has big plans, and just see them happy, I could be so happy. This is selfishness for me.

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