Friday, November 9, 2007

Even Satan Believes in Allah

We owe almost all of our knowledge not to those who have agreed, but to those who have differed.
- Charles Caleb Cotton
It is always insisted that we think before we speak but when I usually try to do it, I end up not saying anything. The same is the case with my blog - I opened the edit page two times in the last few days and simply closed finding nothing worthy of writing. Everything I thought of writing looked either dumb to me or foolish. I sit here today with the same kind of thoughts. I need to let go somethings before they take away things from me.

The first exam went past as expected. I knew how much I was preparing and I also knew how I would be writing it. I am satisfied. But a bigger achievement for me was driving to that place. Its over 30 kilometers from my house and I had three of my friends with me. I was a bit afraid of taking to that heavy-traffic road but I learnt a lot. It was a good teaching session for me. It looked like I was writing some exam.

And yesterday I went with a movie with my friends. It was one of those days I would love to live again. I liked the movie and for the first time I even liked the lead actor of that movie. I hope to experience more days of such kind.

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