Sunday, July 29, 2007


Yesterday and today I uploaded some pictures taken during my cousin's marriage. I used Picasa and I am listing the links here. I have also put the albums on the family blog.

I continue having problems with the browsers. I will once try the Microsoft System Restore. If that doesn't work, then it would be time to go for a partial system recovery using the HP software on the disk. The last time when I tried for such a thing, I found some problem with a missing fine and I had to do a complete recovery using the recovery disks. It had given me lots of pain in recovering the data lost. InshAllah this time things won't be so bad.

I had my thind mock CAT today. It was fine except for the quant section. I was comfortable and satisfied with english and data interpretation. Somehow I was not at all in a mood to sit there for two and a half hours time and complete paper. But when I got into it, I forgot the time. I was glad finiding the english part so easy.

My aunt and two cousins left for US today. In fact they will be boarding the aricraft at 11 pm. It was nice having them here for a couple of months. I met regularly and had good times we will be cherishing for long. I have no calculations of when we can get along together.

My friend who met with an accident on 17th is fast recovering. His stitces will be removed on 2nd inshAllah. I hope to see him back in action soon. I had a talk with him on phone when I was at my aunt's house. I can summarise our talk in a single word - fun. It had other meanings in it only we understand. I didn't like a few things he said.If I am going to continue not liking what he said today or not will be decided soon. I want to hate what he said. I am waiting. Praying.

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