Sunday, June 11, 2006

Mixed feelings today

Just with the start of afternoon I began to feel restless. I knew why I was feeling that way and I also knew that nothing could be done then. I wanted to go out but everybody seems to be busy with themselves or others. I did hav some work at home, some cleaning, but I waited till I was back to normal. I the evening I was fine and smooth.

Later in the evening I got many e-books from a forum kind of website. I have all the books I wanted to have. Only that they are in electronic format and that makes them almost useless for me. I wish I had the patience and 'whatever we need' to read them from the computer screen.

The dinner again was from outside. I haven't eaten food that has been cooked at home since Saturday morning. And I like this happening.

10 days from today my mother will be leaving for a nearby district - Mahboobnagar. She has some inspection work to do there. She and her inspection teem will be verifying the working of the local Distric Co-operative Central Bank. She has to do the supervision and the other managers will do the work. This reminds me of her posting in Sangareddy that was a couple of years back. She will be there for 4 days and it will be me who will have to take care of the house. Not that I do not like doing it, just that I will miss her. God-willing everything will proceed fine.

Sometime back I started the editing of a post I had written a few days back. I removed a good chunk of it. It would have made me call myself imbecile. There is more to be done on it.

I am nearing the end of The Fountainhead. Actually crawling. No amount of suspense and drama has been able to grip me. Hope it is a good thing for me. Tomorrow I may have to be at my grandparents' house, so I guess I can complete it there.

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