Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bad men are good teachers. Yet we can't be thankful to them.

I was wondering how much I can learn from people like George W Bush, Osama Bin Laden, Hitler and others of the same kind. These people have been successful with whatever endevors they had planned for themselves; let their objectives be kept aside. We have heard about them but never tried to find the kind of persons they are. We have judged them based on the reports by media and words of mouths, but have never tried to find out the truth underlying.

Take for instance the 3 names I have mentioned: G W Bush - it is not an easy to keep the office for 2 terms in succession, becoming the President of Unied States itself is a task, may be he has been unreasonable with what he has done (or what he has been made to do) but as a person there must be commendable traits within him that have brought him to such a position; O B Laden - he was (or is?) a millionaire, may be an inheritor, has formed such a powerful statement called Al Qaida, he masterminded so many events, may be a bad man, but takes a lot to become whatever he is now; Hitler - how many of us do really know him? or about him? we call him bad because he was called bad by the US led coalition, it takes a gem of an orator to persuade a whole nation to make them believe that they have been destined to rule the world.

We can learn the good characters these people have possessed. Not only the so called good can have good in them. Every successful man (in his own terms) has been a marvel and so the reason for his success. It is again the desire and not the object. The desire is to learn, the object my be anything as long as it is rational.

In the evening my dad took us out for a long drive past Rajendranagar. Then we had some creamy stuff at a bakery. The day was spent half at a relative's house, the prior half at home. It was good. I had put up a few updates on News and Opinions and I am struggling with one for Gridlocked. It is a poem.

Yesterday night (actually morning), after posting the update on this space, I went ahead to write a post for Flowing Emotions. In my update I had written that I was in no mood to write a thing - what I have written later exceeded 1600 words. It is not complete yet - I still have to add some more points and make it a polished article. There is a lot to be done on it.

I met a friend today at my house. Two more who where expected didn't turn up.

Finally my internet connection has been restored to the regular one - unlimited. I flushed out 400 mb in last 4 days. It was less compared to my regular usage - daily it goes beyond 120 mb. I can resume that now. It is accounted mostly by the music downloads.

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