Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sunday and Monday

Sunday morning I woke up at 8:15 am after sleeping around 3 am. I rushed for the class at CL. I was a little late to enter the class but still not the last one to enter. We had a class for Data Interpretation. It was interesting and went on up to 11:45 am. After reaching home I ate something and crashed out. In the evening we went to my uncle's house.

Yesterday we were supposed to have tests in both of the 2 morning classes - ALC and OOSD. I had prepared for neither of the two - very much like a few of my friends; I am not justifying! I decided not to attend the first period - ALC. I woke up a little late but had to spend a little more time at the bus stand and so by the time I reached the college it was already 11 am. The 2nd class starts at 10:50.

I messaged a friend who was inside the class asking him if I could enter. I waited for the reply for 10 minutes. I received nothing. I left the place with a few of my classmates who have bunked that class and we sat in the ground watching some people play cricket. Later around 11:30 am I received a message that it is too late and I can't enter the class now. My message had reached him 20 minutes late. I even came to know that the lecturer allowed some students to enter even at 11 am. I could have well got in if my message had reached my friend the moment I sent him.

In the afternoon I had OOSD lab where along with a batch mate I had to create some model for the project we are doing. Here in this lab we are using Rational Rose as our UML. The project we are doing is just limited to paperwork and some basic modeling on the software. We are not really going to implement what we are modeling. Our diagrams for the topic we have taken was too complicated but still we are going ahead with it.

I reached home at 5:45 pm. After magrib I sat with my computer. Around 1 am in I finally finished making the blog for which I have been working for the last 3 days. It was finally ready and I was satisfied. There were things I wanted to include but couldn't due to some problems with HTML codes and also my lack of knowledge on a few concepts. I somehow managed.

There were a few very small things I did which that made me feel glad of myself. The one that gave the most happiness was the way I edited the banner of an existing template. I took me a couple of hours to search and decide the template I was going to use. But this one had only one image on the right corner of its banner and the rest of it was plain in color. I liked the template in general so I wanted to use it anyways.

I searched the code to see if I could find the banner code. I was just going through the lines when I incidentally came across the precise sentence of code. It was the link to the servers of blogger.com where the photograph of the banner was saved. I immediately downloaded it.

I already have the setup files of some photo editing softwares including photoshop, photoimpact and one by cannon. I installed 2 of them and tried with this picture of the banner. I tried to see if I could overlap 2 pictures and make them one. I couldn’t. I didn’t spend time on this. I know there must be a way for this.

After a lot of experimenting I could finally make the banner to my satisfaction. Then I uploaded this onto my account in googlepages. I took its link from there, opened the template code again and placed the path address into the same place from where I had taken the link of the banner. I replaced the existing with the new one I had made. I was glad to see the changes taking place the way I wanted them to.

I slept around 3 am and woke up at after 10. I had tea and now I am hungry – I need to have breakfast. My parents have left out for some work. They have a holiday today – even I – the reason being that today is the 10th of Moharram – the day on which this world was created. My mother is fasting.

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