Saturday, January 13, 2007

With these broken wings I'm fallin'

On Friday I was informed that I won't be having any class at CL on Saturday. There was some error. I called the center and confirmed that I have a class there and Sunday was a holiday. We had a reading comprehension class and there was a lot of reading work to do. I reached home at 9:15 pm.

On Friday night (morning!) I slept at 2 am and woke up only at 11 am and that was when a friend came to meet me. He was here till 1:40 pm. He brought with himself a webcam which we tried to install on my computer as it was giving some problem at his house. We also prepared a CD for him with some softwares and new songs I have.

I had planned a few things for Saturday and nothing went that way. Today I wanted to go a cousin's house but I haven't received any message from him saying that he is free. I know he will be but I need a confirmation. I have to make some purchases and I guess I will go out with him.

My mother has to go to her office today. Her bank works for all 7 days a week and she gets some supervision work on a Sunday once every 2 months. She says it's all time wast sitting there. She has asked us to come to take her from her office today so that we can have a lunch somewhere. She mentioned Sidhartha Hotel. It's a long time since I have been there. But I don't know if I will make it to the place - I might be with my cousin. Mother wants me to be there by 3pm.

Last Sunday my father wanted to take me to the construction site of a very big mansion his friend is getting constructed near MirAlam tank. It was my father who co-ordinated the architect and the engineer for the work. Even I wanted to visit the place given that something new is being done there. Some new materials and new technology is being implemented. But I couldn't go as I had to attend a friend's birthday. If nothing goes as planned today, I will ask my father if we can have that visit today.

Yesterday night when my mother announced the dinner, I didn't feel like eating. It was the homemade biryaani which my grandmother had prepared earlier that day. In general I don't really like homemade biryaani in comparison to the one that is available in the hotels. Though at some places I have liked the taste but still it looks a little different that the one form outside. So, yesterday night I didn't feel like eating it. I had already had a taste of it in the lunch when I visited my grandparents' house just before going to CL.

I had to fill my stomach and I was hungry. I asked my father if I could get something form outside to eat. My mother who was standing behind me objected saying that I should eat it. I told her why I didn't want to eat. But while I was saying all this, I prepared myself to cut my want for more and eat what was there at home. But my parents agreed. I ate a chicken roll. I also had the option of a burger. But I went of for a roll.

Today in the reading comprehension class at Career Launcher, among the several passages I had to read, 2 where about writing and writers. One was about authors who take up pseudo names. All the reasons why such a thing is done where explained and some example of famous writer was also mentioned. The other one was about George Orwell. They were very interesting. The other passages were about museums. There there was and excerpt from some novel. There were few more things to be done and the class went on upto 8:45 pm. We had to spend 15 minutes more than what was stipulated.

Lately my brother has developed interests in architecture. My father and I have once told him that it can be a very nice thing if he could study that subject and take architecture as a profession to become an architect. I once also told him I would have better taken up architecture and not computer sciences (I have no regrets taking computers. I just wanted to let him know how much I like architecture and I wanted to tell him that it has lots of substance in it).

My mother is not so particular about anything presently. She just wants him to do something from a good college. She gives my example. I feel good - but mostly bad - guilty. To study architecture my brother has to write PACET (I have come to know about this from a friend; thanks to him for the information). Presently my brother is preparing for EAMCET and AIEEE. I do not know what he is precisely going to do but I sincerely hope that he gets into a good college. Like me! But study not like me!

This coming week we will be having mock campus placements at my college. They will be conducted by the people from Career Launcher. I have no idea what we are going to do exactly but I am looking forward for it. But I am a bit hesitant too. I have no intention of taking up any job after my engineering. This thing can just help me learn something.

Perhaps in a day or two I will write something for Flowing Emotions. I know there are few more blogs I have that need to be updated. I am looking ahead to have something to write about.

Some days back I had the title of a post as "He will do one of two things". I took that line (stanza) from the song 'How to save a life' by The Fray. The continuation goes this way ...

He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you begin to wonder why you came.

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Then there was one 'Slaughter. Not hang'. It was for Saddam Hussein. According to me he should have been slaughtered so that it is in concord with the Islamic (shariyat) laws. Hanging was a wrong method adopted. Perhaps I can write something on this if I get something good to think on!

Even today's title and the last 2 ones have been taken from some songs. Yesterday's was from "Lips of an angel". The one before that was from "Savin' me". Today's too is from "Savin' me". Is it not funny?

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